So my next comic project is based off of them:

It's kinda like my version of Tarzan, only with a crazy parrot chick instead of crazy monkey dude. She was burned and got amnesia, so now because of her strange facial markings she thinks she is a parrot. However, she is sad because she can't fly! Then she meets the Kakapo, who also can't fly, and they become the best of friends! :D lol
Here are some of my original thumbnails for the first 3 pages, although they will be changed from this I felt inclined to show them as a preview:

I just re-watched Tarzan, and I can't believe I almost forgot how much I LOVE this movie. I realized how much it inspires my work now, and I am really looking forward to this project. I have the special edition with all the beautiful concept art of it, and I really want to do some concept paintings for Kakapo. I will make this comic as lush and beautiful as I can! :D